Sacred Therapies


There are many more energy centers distributed throughout the whole body called chakras. We have eight main Chakras and each is associated with certain aspects of our existence. The Chakras have a significant influence on several levels of our physical and mental health. The vibration and energy flow of the different Chakras influence our consciousness and also our health. Incorrect life style and negative thoughts reduce or block the energy of the Chakras, which may lead to disorders of consciousness and illness of the body. Chakras are those energy centers through which the Cosmic energy flows into the body. The practice of "INNER TREATMENT" can re-energies these energy centers.

1. Sahasrara Chakra (Crown Center) - This chakra affects the health of our brains and therefore our entire mental, physical, and spiritual health. Symptoms of unbalanced crown chakra is depression, migraine, confusion, loss of faith, mentally disconnected, dementia, epilepsy, schizophrenia, light sensitivity, headaches, dementia, autoimmune disorders, neurological disorders, paralysis, skin cancer and prostate problem. Crown chakra located at the crown of the head. It is associated with divine wisdom, enlightening, imagination, awareness, optimism and connection to the universe.

2. Agya Chakra (Eyebrow Center) - This chakra affects the mind, ideas, thoughts, dream, Intuition, intelligence, nervous-system regulation, memory issues, physical abilities. Symptoms of unbalanced agya chakra is hazy decisions , Feel stuck in an emotional and intellectual rut, lose sense of intelligence and promptness, ailments of the nervous system like loss of memory, epilepsy and paralysis. Unbalanced agya chakra is cause of headaches and migraines, sinus, nightmares, seizures, neurological disorders, personality disorders and neuroses, learning difficulties, hallucinations, eye-ear problems, glaucoma and scalp-hair issues. Agya chakra located between and just above the physical eyes. Its controls and energizes the pineal gland and the nervous system. Stimulating this chakra can be extremely powerful for creation and manifestation. Due to malfunctioning of this chakra new ideas and paths of true destiny can be disturbed.

3. Vishuddhi Chakra (Throat Center) - The Throat chakra is associated to communication, leadership, expression, freedom and responsibility. If this becomes unbalanced, you may feel you are unable to communicate verbally, physically and emotionally. If this chakra is blocked or unbalanced than symptoms of nervousness, anxiety, fear, attention deficit, poor coping skills and feeling isolated is very common. Asthma, problems in nasal area, irritated sinuses, sore throat, jaw pain, voice loss, thyroid problem, teeth and gum illness, pain in chest, cough attacks when suffering from flu or respiratory virus, ailments of the esophagus and tonsils is also due to blockage of this chakra. Severe trauma can cause this chakra to close.This chakra is located at the base of the throat.

4. Anahata Chakra (Heart Center) - The Heart chakra is associated with love, relationships, compassion, trust, adventure, safety, self-compassion and forgiveness. If this chakra becomes unbalanced, you may feel detached from the world around you, disconnection from the love ones , problems in relationships heighten and we tend to lose hope, We can also lose sight of beauty, love, empathy, and compassion. Blockage in heart chakra leads to faithlessness, apathetic, unforgiving, hopelessness, distrustful and detachment. Due to disturbance in this chakra disease like Asthma, respiratory problem, breast problems, breast & lung cancer, pneumonia, premature aging, upper-back pain, shoulder and upper-arm pain persisting in your body. The heart chakra is the center of our spirit as well as the center of the chakras, making it a vital energy center for our spiritual, loving, mental, and physical well-being. Balancing and opening the heart chakra enhances the love for self and others.

5. Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus/Navel Center)- This is associated with our physical center, desire, inner-strength, emotions, personal power, instincts and gut feelings. If this chakra becomes unbalanced, you may feel very stressed and powerless to gain control, mentally and physically exhausted, poor memory and concentration, frequent fearing, feeling uncertainty, sugar addictions, insomnia. High Blood Glucose. Loss of weight, frequent urination, Stone buildup in Gall bladder, eating disorders, increased thirst and hunger. Blockage in solar plexus leads also to diabetes, eating disorders, poor metabolism, digestive and intestinal disorders, indigestion, food allergies, obesity, acne, and other stress-related skin problems. This chakra is located at the diaphragm. Balancing the solar plexus chakra allows you to feel centered in your mind, body and spirit.

6. Swadhisthan Chakra (Sacral/Lower Abdominal Center)- This chakra is responsible for our connection to other people, creativity, energy, confidence, and sexual health. If this is blocked or unbalanced, you will face lack of energy flow throughout the body, feeling of lethargic and unmotivated life, sex problem, leading to sadness, loneliness and mild depression. Symptoms of an unbalanced sacral chakra is low self-confidence, over dependency, low libido, eating disorders, addictions, and unbalanced emotions. Energy disturbance in this chakra leads to sexual disorders, infertility, gynecological problems, Kidney problems and urinary tract infections, Chronic lower back pain, diarrhoea, dysfunctional menstrual cycles and problems related to intestines, backache, spleen and gallbladder. This chakra is located at the base of the spine. Balancing and opening the sacral chakra allows you to feel very energized and confident in all round of your life. You feel always blessed, inspired, and life seems to flow naturally.

7. Muladhara Chakra (Root/Base Center)- This chakra is responsible with our connection to earth, survival, passion, health, family, abundance and moving forward in all aspect of life. If this chakra becomes unbalanced, you may feel stuck in your life, depleting sense of self, facing traumatic events, family problems, death of a loved one and life uncomfortable. A blockage in this chakra may create disturbance in releasing sadness, grief and guilt as well as inability to move forward and prevent you to realize desire. Blockage in this chakra may create filling of loneliness, insecurity, loss of confidence, abandoned, indecisive, depression, anxious, addictions, phobias and obsessions, sciatica, arthritis, anemia, lower-back pain, varicose veins, constipation, diarrhea, rectal & anal problems, impotence, water retention, problems with groin, hips, legs, knees, calves, ankles and feet is due to disturbance in root chakra. Balancing this chakra allows regaining confidence in life, promotes feelings of security and encourages exploration to find your purpose and achieve success. A balanced root chakra also generates the flow of energy to all other chakras. This chakra located at the base of the spine.

Special Note: Disease due to blockage or unbalance of particular chakra means not only one chakra is defective. Its a majority of one chakra and rest of the cakara's stake is smaller.

Help for Happiness
Inner Treatment